Thank you for partnering with us through your love, prayers, and generous support. This year Molly and I celebrated 20 years of full time ministry. Since 2001 we have been able to preach the gospel around the world in 60 nations.
Over the years we have seen hundreds of thousands of people come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and many people have testified of being healed of sickness and set free from oppression and bondage.

At the end of each year David sits down with God and talks about the upcoming year. Here's what God has to say, through David, about 2022.
As I was sitting with The Lord waiting for some deep profound corporate word about 2022, I asked Holy Spirit: “What do you want from me in the new year?” And He spoke a word so simple that it pierced my heart: “The only thing that I want from you this year is for you to “Be”. I want you to be with Me and I want you to live fully present in My presence in every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Everything you need and everything you will ever need to know flows from the place of inhabitation. I don’t want to visit you and I don’t want to merely co-exist with you. I want to consume you, possess you, and abide in you. Abundant life can only be found in My abiding presence. I don’t want to compete for your attention or affection. It’s time to live fully full, so that I breathe through your every breath, I move with your every move, and I speak through your every word. Don’t over complicate things and don’t get caught up in worldly entanglements that wither, fade, and pass away every time the wind changes direction. Choose to Be with ME, for I AM The One who never changes. You can’t earn what I’ve already paid for so just BE! There is no need to fight battles that I’ve already fought and won so just BE victorious, BE free, BE healed, BE whole!”
David Wagner