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Our family in 2016

This year has been full of adventures, challenges and miracles!

While flying back from a ministry trip in September I felt an intense amount

of pressure behind my right eye and started experiencing head and neck

pain. One afternoon as I was turning my head I heard a ‘pop’ and lost vision

for about 30 seconds to a minute. This happened 5 times in a 3 week

period causing me to have to reschedule or cancel some ministry

engagements. After consulting with some amazing physicians it was

determined that I have some pinched nerves due to bulging discs in my

neck and back causing excessive pressure and pain. With the help of the

doctors, spinal adjustments and rest I am feeling much better and able to

travel and minister as planned.

On November 6th Molly and Arah were stopped at a red light in Nashville

when they were rear ended by a drunk driver doing 55 MPH. During the

impact Molly remembers looking through the windshield and looking down

at the pavement, Arah heard the Holy Spirit tell her; “Hit the gas” fortunately

she listened and navigated through an intersection without being struck by

another driver. There is no doubt in our minds that The Lord intervened and

spared everyone involved. Although both vehicles were totaled Molly and

Arah miraculously walked away with only whiplash and muscle spasms.

They are going through physical therapy and should make a full recovery


Molly and I just celebrated our 17th Wedding Anniversary on December

11th. I offered to take her anywhere she wanted to go in the world and of

course she wanted to go to Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas. We started

the trip by flying to Dallas and spending the night in a nice hotel. The next

morning we drove to Waco where we had fun exploring, sharing great

meals, and doing some holiday shopping. Molly and I both loved Magnolia

Market especially the way that it was decorated and lit up for Christmas.

One of the highlights of our trip was a special night of worship and

Christmas music lead by Shane and Shane and Phil Wickham. On Sunday

we drove to Austin where we walked around, had some great coffee and

meals and enjoyed taking in the live music as we walked down the street. It

was a much needed get away and fun way to celebrate our marriage.

Our 5 kids continue to grow up even though I have begged them to stop it! I

love being a Dad more than anything else in the world. It is amazing to

watch all of our kids as they discover and walk out their destinies.

Arah is halfway through her sophomore year where she is studying

Publishing and Marketing at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. She is

thriving academically and has managed to make The Deans List all three

semesters. This year she joined the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority which

focuses on christian and community service. Arah has also done a work

study at an inner city middle school where she helps with an after school

care program. She is also a part of the worship team at Full Life Church in

Franklin. Arah has always loved traveling and ministering with us and has

always had a dream to study abroad. Recently she applied and has been

accepted into a program sponsored by Belmont that will make her dream

come true. In May 2017 she will be spending 18 days in Israel, Jordan, and

Greece doing biblical studies and writing while she travels through the

places where Jesus walked, Paul Preached, and Jacob wrestled with God.

This is an opportunity of a lifetime and we are excited to see her step out in

faith to pursue her dreams and destiny. If you would like to support her or

find out more information about her trip please contact us or go to her page


Ben is a junior at Tate High School. He continues to excel as a drummer for

The Show Band of the South, and a percussionist in the Jazz Band. Ben

has also become an amazing preacher and leader in his church youth

group and at First Priority which is a group that meets before school every

Friday morning to worship and share the word at Tate. Ben loves people

and he is passionate about seeing people encounter the love of God and

discover their identity. He is also enjoys skateboarding and has become

quite good at it by practicing everyday. Ben is also still on “Cloud 9” after

the Chicago Cubs won the World Series!

Caleb is a freshman at Tate High School where he plays on the THS Aggie

Football team as a defensive lineman. He has worked very hard and played

well this season until he broke his foot in two places during the final

practice of the season and spent 4 weeks in a boot. He also continues to

be an accomplished fisherman and source of knowledge and facts about

anything related to fishing, the outdoors and sports. He is growing up fast

and soon will be able to take me down in our regular wrestling matches.

Caleb is a New England Patriots football fan and dreams of either playing

in the NFL one day or becoming a professional fisherman. Caleb is tough

on the outside and tender on the inside. He was recently able to come with

me to Sarasota on a ministry trip where we also managed to do a little

fishing in our free time.

Joshua just turned 11 and is in the 5th Grade at Lipscomb Elementary

where he was awarded a Leadership Award in October. He has always

been fascinated with Washington DC and has asked me to take him there

often. Last April he was finally able to join me on a ministry trip and tour our

nations Capitol. When we landed at Reagan National Airport he

proclaimed: “My dream came true!” It was a great joy to see the sights of

D.C. through childlike faith and wonder. Josh is also very creative and has

been learning how to play the violin, draw, and code video games. He is

also creating videos for Youtube to teach other kids how to be creative.

Josh broke his elbow on the trampoline 2 days before Thanksgiving. The

E.R. doctors thought he was going to need surgery right away. However,

the report changed when we prayed and Josh was very happy to get

healed up in a full arm cast which he had them make in blue and red in

honor of the Cubs!

Isaac is 8 years old going on 30 and is in the 3rd Grade at Lipscomb

Elementary where he was awarded “Student of the Month”. He was very

excited about being recognized with this great honor and loved being

interviewed for the morning announcements on the schools “Lions TV”.

Isaac is the life of every party and lives up to his name which means “Son

of Laughter” and “Son of Joy”. He is highly energetic and can spend hours

running, playing, and jumping on the trampoline. IZ is also extremely

competitive and is always up for a challenge. He is an amazing baseball

player, swimmer, board game champion, and accomplished chef. Isaacs

eyes and freckles land him many compliments wherever we go. He is full of

love, kindness, and is extremely generous. Isaac is always willing to give a

hug, high-five, fist-bump, or word of encouragement.

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