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Prophetic Word for 2019

Happy New Year 2019! For the last 20 years I have cleared my schedule on New Years Eve to sit with The Lord and listen to what He is saying to the church for the New Year. It has become one of the greatest honors of my life to sit and write what the Holy Spirit has to say to each of us. I believe that this is a corporate word for the body of Christ which we should also pray into and apply to out personal lives.


I hear the Holy Spirit saying: “Look up and lock your eyes with mine, I want to give you heavens perspective as you enter into this New Year. Don’t let the distractions of the world and the spirit of this age taint your vision. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay in the place of peace. The world around you may seem unstable but I am the everlasting God who never changes. Rest assured, I am in control and I am in charge. My throne is secure, it is not and has never been in jeopardy. I speak to mountains and they move, I speak to the wind and waves and they cease. I not only formed the worlds but I hold them all together with My hand.”

“The earth is feeling the symptoms of birth pains as I bring things into alignment. Indeed all of creation is longing and waiting for the day when My sons and daughters are revealed and manifest My kingdom and My heart. The pressure that you feel is not destructive, it is constructive, Nothing in the earth is built or created without pressure so don”t run from it. Stay steady and unwavering. Remember My faithfulness in every season and throughout history. I am relentless in My pursuit of you and about to openly display my mighty deeds and strong right arm.”

“I am shoring up the foundations of your faith as many have endured a season of pruning, purging, and fire and although it was not easy it was necessary. Through it all, I have been establishing something new in you. Don’t despise or fight the process. It is for your benefit. The pruning is about to bring forth new growth and greater fruit, The purging has made room for greater things, and the fire has both strengthened and refined you to carry greater realms of My Glory!”

“Everything is coming together just as I have planned and just as I have said. I am the God of the past, present and future. I am not only the author of your faith but the finisher as well. It is time to take your place, get on your mark, get set, and go! The world is looking for those who not only know how to start strong but how to finish well! Keep your hands to the plow. I am cultivating something new for My church in the year ahead. The plans of the enemy are being unravelled and he is losing his grip. I am breaking up the fallow ground of the nations. The places that seemed hard in the past are now fertile for the seeds of faith to be sown. Nations shall be won and discipled in a day as their eyes of understanding are opened.”

“Keep up with Me. Don’t lose your focus and don’t break your stride. I am picking up the pace in this next season. I am accelerating you into ‘double time’ and ‘double portion’. The doors of destiny are flinging open. Go through, step out of your comfort zone, step up and over all of the things that have blocked you or delayed you in the past. You are crossing over from what was into what has never been before. What you thought was incomplete in 2018 is about to be fully finished in 2019. This is a year of proper perspective, alignment, and divine order and timing in your life and in My church”

“This is the year of miracles. You are about to witness some of the greatest explosions of My almightiness that the earth has ever seen. You won’t just be recipients of the miraculous but participants in bringing the miraculous to the world around you. It is time for the greater works of Jesus to be released in the church, in your home, in your school, in the market place, and in the streets. Healing is about to be poured out in unprecedented ways. Healing is not just what I do. It is who I am. I am removing the restraints of fear and doubt off of the souls, hearts and minds of My people.”

“I am marking this year with Justice and Mercy. I am overturning and overruling the judgements of the enemy has brought against you. The righteous judge is ruling in your favor. Justice for the sick is healing, justice for the poor is provision, justice for the broken is total restoration, justice for the depressed is peace and joy, justice for the weary is strength. Will you chose to be agents of justice in the year ahead? The mercy of God is not only a way out of trouble it is also a way into promise. The miracles of God are initiated by the mercies of God.”

“There is a sustained move of My spirit that is about to be poured out on the earth that will not only effect and bless the church but the home as well. The next revival in the earth looks like family. Sons and daughters prophesying, releasing healing and walking in signs and wonders. The coming move of the Holy Spirit is not exclusive to a few but inclusive of all who are hungry and thirsty. I am about to take the church and earth by surprise. Get ready. It’s going to be greater than you ever imagined or dreamed.”

“Stay filled up, I’ve called you to live in The Fullness of My Spirit. Don’t settle for less than what I have promised you. I want My presence to overflow from you so that the world around you will encounter My love, righteousness, peace and joy that you carry. Live from the place of rest. I am restoring your rest. The season of contention and striving is over and the season of Joy has come. My joy is still your strength!”

“Come to the table. Sit with me and feast on My goodness. I want to fill you to overflowing. I am pulling out all of the stops and rolling out the red carpet for you to come into deeper realms of My presence. I want to dwell with you, inhabit you, and release My breath into you. I want to be the center of your lives and the focus of your affections. Will you fall in love with Me all over again? This is the year of “First Love.”

“Can I have this dance? Will you allow Me to set your feet to dancing once again? Will you allow me to set the rhythm of your life in this new year? My hearts desire is to sync your hearts with mine. The heartbeat of God is about to be felt throughout the earth. Press into Me and I will reveal to you the secrets of My heart for the days that you are entering in.”

“Jesus the intercessor is calling His church back into the place of prayer. It is time to partner with Me. I commanded My disciples to preach the gospel, cast out devils, and heal the sick but I took time to teach them how to pray. A prayerless church is a powerless church but a prayerful church is a powerful church. I am not just calling the church into a prayer meeting, I am calling My church into a prayer life.”

“I am tearing down walls of division in the body of Christ and building bridges of unity without compromise. The days of competition and comparison must come to an end. I did not say that I would build “this church and “that church”. I said that: “I would build My church! Its time to let go of egos and logos and come together under one banner and one name! The name of Jesus! Celebrate your diversity but let your differences unite you and not divide you. My hearts desire is that you would answer the prayer of My Beloved Son and become One as He and I are One. This is the year of One Heart and One Voice to be heard and known in the earth. I am calling My church out and up! It is time to come out of hiding, it is time to come out of the shadows, and it is time to come out of the cave. I want you to be seen, I want you to be heard, and I want you to be known. It is time for the glorious church to arise and take your place. It is time to shine and reflect the glory of The Son. I am calling you out and up into your destiny as a “City set on a hill whose light can not be hidden!” Schedule

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