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Supernatural Assistance When You Don't Know Where to Turn for Help!

"And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him." - Luke 22:43

Have you ever known a time when you felt alone in the challenge you were facing? On the night of Jesus' betrayal, He must have felt that way. He asked His closest disciples — Peter, James, and John — to come and pray with Him in those last hours. But every time He came back to check on the three men, they were sleeping. Jesus was experiencing a great spiritual battle and extreme pressure that night; that's why He wanted His closest disciples to assist Him in prayer. However, that night they were not found faithful.

But when Jesus could find no one to stand with Him in His hour of need, God provided supernatural assistance! Luke 22:43 says, "And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him." This supernatural strength made up for any lack of support from His three closest disciples.

When Luke writes that the angel "strengthened" him, it literally means to impart strength, to empower someone, to fill a person with heartiness, or to give someone a renewed vitality. A person may have been feeling exhausted and depleted, but he suddenly gets a blast of energy so robust that he is instantly recharged! Now he is ready to get up, get with it, and get going again!

This means that when Jesus' disciples and friends couldn't be depended on in His hour of need, God provided an angel that imparted strength, empowered, and recharged Jesus, renewing His vitality with the strength needed to victoriously face the most difficult hour in His life! After being supercharged, Jesus was ready to face the Cross. He awakened His disciples and said, "Rise up, let us go; the one who betrays me is at hand" (Mark 14:42).

Maybe you've had a time in your life when you felt trapped and alone. Perhaps you thought your friends would help you, but now you feel like they let you down at a time when you really needed them. Don't let desperation take over! Your friends may have fallen asleep on the job, but God hasn't fallen asleep. He is absolutely committed to seeing you through the situation you are facing right now. When necessary, He will provide supernatural assistance to recharge you and keep you moving full steam ahead. You may be tempted to feel isolated and alone, but if your spirit's eyes were opened just for a moment, you would see that you are not alone at all! He is surrounding you with the Holy Spirit's power, angels, and anything else needed to keep you going forward!

So remember — regardless of the particular battle or situation you are facing in life, God will always come to your assistance. If no one else is faithful, God will see to it that you receive the strength and power you need to victoriously overcome in every circumstance. Supernatural assistance is yours today!

In the Fathers Love,


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